Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Brand New Year

I know it has been way too long since my last post.  With the holidays and a trip I have been really busy.  We have been hit with a lot of cold weather and snow.  The boys had a week off even before winter break due to snow.  I thought we live in Tennessee?  This is the south right?  Well it is the end of the year and I am already ready for some warm weather and sunshine. 

As this year comes to an end I have to sit and reflect on it and ponder how it went overall.  I know I could always do better, give more, be more.  I always find myself coming short of what  and who I want to be.  I am so thankful for what God has blessed me with, a wonderful husband, 3 beautiful children, a warm home, a job for my husband... the list could go on.  With all that I wonder why I am not doing more... being more. 

As the new year approaches I am not going to make resolutions because I know that they don't work, but I am going to try my best to do more... be more than I am right now.  There are so many people out there who are in need of something.  Something maybe I could give them... a kind word...a good deed....a fresh loaf of bread...something.  I don't know what it may be, but as this New Year begins I am going to make it a daily prayer of mine to ask God if there is something I could do or someone in need that I could help in some way.   I think I feel that I want this 2011 to be less about me and more about others.  I hope I could fulfill this.

I hope you all had a wonderful blessed Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Today's tip is mostly for myself, try to be more focused on others than myself.  Yes I will still eat healthy and exercise and take care of myself, but I am really going to try to be more sensitive to the needs of others.



Friday, December 3, 2010

Switch it up

I've been exercising 6 days a week for almost four years now.  I'm committed I'd guess you would say.  I have to do this for me and if I don't I am afraid that I will just slack back to not doing anything.  I have come too far to go back to my old ways of eating whatever I wanted and sitting on the couch.  Do I love to exercise you ask?  Well, no I don't.  Most mornings I get up, have my coffee and wish I didn't have to do it.  But, I do it.  For me exercise DVDs are what work.  I have a set period of time, a certain type of workout and someone telling me what to do and for how long to do it.  It just works for me.  So day in and day out I pop in one of my 20 DVDs and work out.  I do pick out different ones so I am not working out the same muscles every day.  Some days I do more cardio, some days strength, some days yoga.  But, it usually is always a DVD.  So, today my wonderful husband said, "Come on and work on the weights".  My first reaction was yuck... the basement, the weight bench gross.  I hate going down to the basement.  It is cold, damp and on the dark side.  But as I looked at my DVD collection and realized I was bored with them, I agreed to go give it a try. 

So, I went to the dungeon and he had me all set up to do some sets of heavier weights, abs, chest presses, clean and jerks, weighted squats etc.  He actually was quite a good trainer pushing me to do more than I thought I could.  I was actually enjoying it a bit.  Then for part 2 he had me boxing with the punching bag and then with sparring gloves... Well that was it.  I LOVED IT.  I think I was made to punch people.  Just kidding but really I loved doing it and before you know it I put in 40 minutes of strength and cardio and really enjoyed it and it was something different. 

The key is to switch things up so you don't get bored.  I was doing different DVDs but it was still the same type of thing.  This was something new and something I really enjoyed and hope to incorporate into my workout schedule. 

So today's tip:  Tip #1 is get moving... do something...exercise.  Tip #2 if you already are exercising, mix it up a bit.  If you jog, try tennis.  If you walk, try jogging intervals.  If you do the elliptical try going for a bike ride.  Do anything to mix it up so you don't get bored and you will see changes in your body also.

